The Art of Self-Compassion


We live in a world that tells us, 'you snooze you lose', 'no pain no gain' but we are becoming increasingly aware that these modes of being are simply not sustainable. If we want to step up and perform better, if we want to maximise our enjoyment of work life and boost our career longevity, pushing harder and being tough on ourselves is not the solution.



Suitable for all staff

This workshop introduces the skill of self-compassion.

We begin with a clear, working definition of what self-compassion is and explore why it is worth our while developing the skill - the many health, wellbeing and performance benefits.

Our ability to exercise self-compassion is a function of our nervous system activation so the skill is discussed in the context of understanding our stress response. We cover simple lifestyle tweaks we can make to support our nervous system health and develop a practical toolkit of strategies we can use in the heat of the moment, to keep us anchored in 'rest and digest mode', giving us access to compassion. We take an honest look at other barriers we face in being compassionate with ourselves and how to overcome them.

It is an interactive and practical workshop and we conclude with research-based ways that we can integrate the skill of self-compassion into daily life, in ways that take little time or energy. Participants are guided through 4 simple but powerful practices that can bring self-compassion to even the busiest of days.

Formats available


  • Gain a practical working definition of self-compassion and understand why the skill is so important to wellbeing and performance

  • Learn how to develop the skill in simple practices you can weave into your day

  • Experience a greater sense of wellbeing and enhanced ability to perform at your best

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


Addictive Behaviours


Cultivating Hope: clarity and comfort in a time of uncertainty