Dialling Down Anxiety

Wellbeing Masterclass with Dr. Barbara Mariposa

Join Dr. B for this science-based, practical guide to understanding, recognising, and reducing anxiety.

Uncertainty and change can make anyone feel anxious. Whilst a bit of worry is manageable, if this tips too far we can end up in an anxiety spiral.

Join Dr B for this 5 step science-based, practical guide to support you in understanding, recognising, and reducing anxiety.

We take a look at panic attacks and you’ll learn some easily applied tools to dial down both stress and anxiety. Each session starts with a very quick and simple exercise so you will be embedding essential learning all the way through.

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Bulk discounts available for multiple purchases, contact us for a quote.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain a better understanding of what anxiety is, why it happens and how it affects our body, brain and behaviour

  • Learn some easily applied tools to help you notice and deal with anxiety in the present moment and reduce its background hum

  • Develop a better understanding of panic attacks, what we can do to help ourselves and to help others when one happens

  • Learn what personal protective resources we all have

Masterclass Content

The 1-hour masterclass is broken down into bite-sized lessons allowing you to dip in whenever and wherever suits you.

There are downloadable support resources and interactive exercises for continued learning.

Lesson 1: Take your Time

Lesson 2: Spot it, Release it, Dial it Down

Lesson 3: Thought Traps

Lesson 4: Panic Attacks

Lesson 5: In It Together

Learn from the best

Dr. B is a medical doctor, author and thought leader in the field of mental health, workplace wellbeing and the science that brings all these things together.

Barbara’s mission is to create human-centred organisations. Her passion is to promote human flourishing, alleviate distress and advocate human-centred leadership - creating a culture where everyone matters, everyone wins, and performance exceeds expectations.

Trained at the Royal Free Hospital, London, Dr. B worked internationally and has a background in psychiatry and public health.

Masterclass Reviews

It was an excellent, very engaging session. Dr B is incredibly knowledgeable.
— Goodman
We have received lots of positive feedback. Dr B is professional and engaging
— Hitachi

Get started today

Join Dr B to reduce your anxiety, start learning today.

What’s included:

  • 1 hour of video content broken down into bitesized chunks

  • 3 months access

  • Downloadable resources and interactive exercises

For individuals
Price - £15

Click on the link below to purchase and get started straight away.

For businesses
Price - on request

Bulk discounts are available for multiple purchases, contact us for a quote.

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