Understanding & Managing Stress

Wellbeing Masterclass with Steph Peltier

Join Steph to gain a new understanding of stress and how it impacts both your physical and mental health.

Stress has become a silent pandemic taking a huge toll on our life, science recently demonstrated that we spend 70% of our waking hours in “Fight or Flight” mode.

In this masterclass, Steph explains the impact that stress has on your body and mind and will help you to identify your own stress triggers and how to reduce them.

You will learn proven science-backed techniques to immediately feel calmer, optimistic, stronger and more in control in the face of adversity and challenges.

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Bulk discounts available for multiple purchases, contact us for a quote.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the neurobiology of stress

  • Develop awareness to identify your stress triggers

  • Learn science-backed & practical techniques to manage stress & build resilience

  • Understand how to create your stress management routine

Masterclass Content

The 1-hour masterclass is broken down into bite-sized lessons of 5-10 mins allowing you to dip in whenever and wherever suits you.

There are downloadable support resources and interactive exercises for continued learning.

Lesson 1: Lesson 1: The Neurobiology of Stress

Lesson 2: Your Stress Triggers

Lesson 3: The Challenge of our Times

Lesson 4: Your Signs of Stress

Lesson 5: Stress Management, Science to the Rescue

Lesson 6: First Tool: the Breath

Lesson 7: Second Tool: the Body

Lesson 8: Wrap Up and Action Plan

Learn from the best

Steph is an expert in the Science of Happiness and a certified Mindfulness and Positive Neuroplasticity Training (PNT) coach.

Steph spent many years juggling a successful and demanding corporate career alongside family life before redirecting her energy and passion into retraining in the science of wellbeing at Berkley in California.

With first-hand experience of the challenges and pressures that work can cause, her empathetic yet pragmatic approach is heavily grounded in science and her suggestions can easily be integrated into busy lives.

Steph’s mission is to empower all individuals to take better care of their own wellbeing.

Masterclass Reviews

A really useful session, it made me more aware that I need to take regular breaks.
— Participant at Portsmouth University
Fantastic session. I’ve been to ‘stress workshops’ before and not enjoyed them. Being largely based in science and factual really made this one different for me
— Participant at Reed Smith

Get started today

Join Steph today to reclaim control and feel less stressed

What’s included:

  • 1 hour of video content broken down into bitesized chunks

  • 3 months access

  • Downloadable resources and interactive exercises

For individuals
Price - £15

Click on the link below to purchase and get started straight away.

For businesses
Price - on request

Bulk discounts are available for multiple purchases, contact us for a quote.

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